Thursday, 10 December 2009


Hollie -
Our media products were a music video, digi pack and magazine advert based on animation to an indie track by 'Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly. - An Oak Tree'. We looked at a variety of professional media products and one that stood out was an animated Ben and Jerrys tv advert. This gave us an understanding on conventions needed. The design of our digi pack uses the background from the video we made and contains the same cartoon theme with the clouds in the sky and how there is a cartoon computerized oak tree. The fonts on the magazine advert and digi pack are similar and a picture of the band is on the magazine advert but the background is not the same as the video and the digi pack but still sticks with the same cartoon theme. The actual video was all animated so it is surreal which is what you often see in an indie/pop music video, also because it was all computerized we were able to get the bright colours for the cartoon effect.

Emily -
By making our media products similar it shows that they are all linked and it is obvious that all of the products are by the same band. By researching other media products on the Internet we found other media products to include a barcode, running time, DVD video logo and a production logo; we used these on our products. On our Digi Pack and magazine advert to the video we used the same earthy colour scheme and a similar font. To link the three media products we used the same background on the magazine advert as we had used on the music video, the cartoon animals on the digi pack and on the music video and the same photo of the band on the digi pack and the magazine cover.

Fern -
We got feedback throughout the making of our music video, some from our teacher Emma, and some from other groups in the class. We did find the feedback very helpful, and took what the audience said on board. The audience gave us feedback on the blog, our Digi pack, the roughcut video, the advert and our final video. Sadly not all the feedback was positive but we listened to all the negative comments and used them to try and make our project better. Our music video has been put up on Youtube because it is a good place to get yourself noticed and promote your band and video. One of our audiences made a point that there wasn’t much variation in the shots that we had, and we agreed so we added some different angles in for example when the musical notes and the leaves, that got put in that was because of feedback. In a professional industry, feedback from the audience can make the difference between success and failure. That’s why sometimes you can get special previews in films so the directors and producers and makers of the film get a chance to listen to the feedback and make changes if they have too. Feedback is vital, because your product is aimed at the audience so if they aren’t happy with it you’ve got to change it to benefit them, as they are the people that can make or break your creation

Pippa -
New media technologies mean more opportunity to get across our ideas in the way we really want to. Different pieces of software were designed to create a variety of media products. We used Final Cut Express alongside Photoshop to create our animation within our music video. We designed our individual characters and backgrounds in Photoshop and then imported them into Final Cut Express to fit them all together and animate them. Our final outcome worked really well and our video links well to the genre of the song and the target audience. The new media technologies are easy to use as they are designed to be democratic so it did not take us too long to become confident at using them. We also used to internet to research for our band and gather ideas for our final pieces. The internet allows us to have access to a wide variety of resources and we were even able to email the band! Unfortunately they did not reply.

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