Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Analysis of a dvd/cd cover

This CD cover is for Beyonce, put a ring on it. Beyonce is known for her strong and powerful voice, which is similar to this CD cover because the silhouette of Beyonce stands out and looks strong over the plain background.

When fist looking at this CD cover it portrays a mysterious look. The plain grey background makes the audience draw their attention to the silhouette becuase this is the main feature of the CD cover. The silhouette stands out above everything else on the CD cover becuase the silhouette is of Beyonce. This Cd cover wouldnt be as effective if beyonce was not as well known as she is because without even looking at the text we know straight away that it is Beyonce as the silhouette.

The text is simple but effective. Just by the word beyonce we know exactly who it is even though the silhouette covers one of the letter we still know that it says beyonce. The text takes up over half of the background and the effect where the colour of the text is white in the centre and then gets darker as the size increases makes the text stand out. Although the CD cover is simple and doesn't have much on it, it's big and bold so it is very effective.

The CD cover also links with the song. The name of the song is called single ladies, the picture of beyonce on her own could be showing that she is a single lady.

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